What if I told you that there's a way for you to get crazy amounts of traffic to your site by setting up a simple page ONCE, and then letting it do all the work for you?
Sound too good to be true? Curious to discover what that page is?
It's probably NOT what you think (we broke down the anatomy of a kickass homepage a few weeks ago, so it's not the homepage, and I talked about how to design a perfect about me page on two occasions in the past few weeks, so it's not that either).
Drum roll please...
It's actually by implementing a traffic-boosting strategy that you haven't tried yet (but definitely should): asking for guest posts on your site!
So, why guest posting?
Well, a guest post is a win-win piece of content for both parties involved.
You get:
A high-quality blog post on your site that you don't have to sit down and write yourself.
Increased traffic to your site, since it's in the guest poster's interest to share that post.
Exposure to a new audience when the guest poster shares the post with their e-mail list and on their social media platforms.
They get:
A backlink to one of their blog posts and / or to one of their lead magnets.
Increased traffic to their site when those who read the post click on the backlink.
Exposure to a new audience when you share the post with your e-mail list and on your social media platforms.
Amazing, right?
To make sure that you get QUALITY content that's no-fluff, and all-action, make sure to add a page on your site with step-by-step guest post guidelines that include:
The rewards: what's in it for them (backlink, author bio) and what they can expect you to do once the post is published (share it with your e-mail list, on your social media platforms).
The guidelines: what you want (word count, images) and don't want (affiliate links) in the guest post.
The application form: where the guest poster submits their application, including a place for them to add tentative headline options and a brief description of the guest post.
All of this is to say that now YOU can write a guest post on Yes To Tech's blog and get extra exposure for your online business!!
We're looking for digital and online marketing experts who can explain a concept step-by-step, be it beginning or advanced, in a simple and straightforward way that can be understood by anyone, independent of technical ability.
Our target audience is comprised of millennials to 30-year-olds, who're not particularly tech-savvy, have an entrepreneurial spirit, and are dying to leave their corporate 9-5 job to run their online business full time.
At the moment, we're looking for guest posts that include actionable and effective strategies on how to maximize your online presence as a non-techie online entrepreneur, be it by:
Creating your DIY website (using Wix).
Developing your unique brand.
Driving explosive amounts of traffic to your blog with FREE social media marketing and traffic generation tactics (in other words, no Facebook ads or paid scheduling tools).
Both the application form, and guest post if selected, need to be submitted at least 1 month before the publish date, so keep that in mind when submitting your application.
Interested? Click here to learn more and apply now!
I can't wait to read what you come up with!
Tags: yes to tech, guest post, guest posting, website traffic ideas, write for us, is guest posting worth it, guest blog, guest blogging, how to boost your SEO rank through guest blogging, how to be a guest blogger, guest post guide, online marketing, digital marketing, inbound marketing, marketing, content marketing, blogging, blogs that accept guest posts, guest blog post, guest blogging opportunities, guest blogging seo, guest blogging sites, guest post, guest posting opportunities, guest posting sites, guest posting sites list, how to guest blog ,how to start a blog, seo services, SEO tips, how to promote your website, guest post guide, why guest post, why guest blog, how to write a guest post, tech blogs write for us, best free website traffic, how to promote your blog for free, website traffic idea, guest posting strategy